About Us
what we do
I Work With You to Create a Custom Nutrition Plan & Healthy Habits
I offer one to one consultations in South Woodford and Chelmsford, and remote appointments over skype.
Prior to the initial consult I will send you a health questionnaire and 3-day food diary to complete and return to me. This allows us to go into further detail during the appointment. Initial consultations last approximately one hour, and follow ups around 30 minutes. During the initial appointment we will discuss all aspects of your health: medical history, body systems, any diagnoses and medications, and your personal health goals. I will then devise a therapeutic plan for you, with nutrition and lifestyle recommendations. This may include supplement and/or functional testing recommendations, and will be emailed to you within 48 hours.
Weight Loss
Lifestyle Management
Weight Maintenance
Real Results
Custom Plans & Coaching for Your Specific Goals
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Average Weight Loss
Average Body Fat Loss
Maintained Weight Loss
Gained Post 5–15lbs
My Story
Meet Lindsay, Professional Food Coach
I started my working life in the City, working in Investment Banking. A few years in, my poor diet, busy lifestyle and high-stress environment led to a diagnosis of IBS. After finding no answers through modern medicine, I sought the services of a naturopath. This sparked an interest in holistic health, which then saw me working abroad in the spa industry, further fuelling my new passion.
On returning to the UK, I completed my Naturopathic Nutrition diploma with the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. I am a registered member of BANT (The British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy) and the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council). These professional bodies ensure practitioners have achieved the required standards of education, and maintain this through Continuing Professional Development.
I believe appropriate nutrition is an essential part of achieving optimal wellness. With the emergence of fields such as nutrigenomics and epigenetics, we are beginning to discover the power of the environment on our health. It was previously thought that certain disease states were genetically pre-determined, or that once contracted could not be reversed or helped. However, the science is now showing that just because you have genes pre-disposing you to a particular health condition, this does not have to be your destiny! A key factor in whether or not genes are expressed, is the environment to which you expose them: nutrition; lifestyle factors such as stress and exercise; psychosocial factors such as relationships and support; and environmental toxins such as heavy metals and plastics. Of great importance is our microbiota – the trillions of microorganisms that live on and in our bodies, populating our gut, skin and many other areas. There is a huge amount of research regarding the relationship between the microbiota and our state of health or disease. The balance once again being impacted by nutrition and environment.
My Approach
Unique Framework
Frequently Asked Questions
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San Francisco, CA 91351